
Which nation should be the most visited?

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In your opinion, what nation should be the most visited in all the world? I mean, I don't wanna know which is now the most visited, i know, it's france, but i'd like to know which nation'd merit to be the most visited.... thanks




  1. As a Filipino, I would proudly say that the Philippines should be the most visited. But, there are many countries which offers something deifferent from the other. Every country deserves to be the most visited either it's the worst country in your dreams or the country you consider heaven..

  2. all nations have some special things to see,sometimes we don't even think of what wonder we can find in each country..

    i visited france,has nice castles and landscape

  3. that's hard because all the nations around the world have there special something that makes them great....I wanted to Africa (i know it has more than one nation) but there you can find soo much history and music. It is the root of the world (if you been reading the discovery of Eve) and it is just beautiful.

  4. America

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