
Which nationality do i identify myself as?

by  |  earlier

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thanks you guys really helped me out=)




  1. You are a HUMAN!!!!

    And so is the rest of us!!

  2. I feel the same way...Half filipino, half white, catholics and atheists. You really cant accept either of them. If someone makes a joke on half your ethnicity, you have to remind them of the other. it really sucks:(

  3. Well, your nationality is where you are a citizen of. So, if you live in the US, you're American, Austrailia, then you're Austrailian, etc. You're ethnicity is different. Unfortunately, it's going to be confusing for you, regardless. I guess just say that you are mixed, then list puertorican and palestinian. And say whatever religion you practice, or don't practice.  I don't think that you should have to pick an ethnicity when you are equal parts of both. Just accept both and be proud to be both.  

  4. well if you live in new york....

    and i presume you were born in america....?

    then that makes you american

    end of

  5. You have answered your own question. If you proud of both nationalities, why can't you refer yourself as Palestinian-Puertorican American?.  

  6. you shouldn't have to identify yourself as anything specific. you are who you are, and you are better off not having people in your life that are too ignorant to see past skin color.

    once the world stops having to label everything, we'll be a much better place.

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