
Which nationality of people do you think is the most polite and well-mannered?

by Guest65283  |  earlier

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Which nationality of people do you think is the most polite and well-mannered?




  1. Indians



  2. the niuean people from polynesia.

  3. Interesting question ... Japanese

  4. I think that good and bad people exist in all nationalities, so it wouldn't necessarily be fair nor accurate to single out one in particular.

  5. everywhere has polite people and absolute rude idiots.

    the french are definately the rudest people i have ever encountered

  6. Norwegians are the most polite people i have ever met.

  7. providing your not in the estates of Britain then us !

  8. Britons and Canadians I think are far more polite than most nationalities, as a whole, from my experience.

    The Japanese are very polite, too.

  9. indain

  10. The Polish.

    I work with a lot of them and I find them very polite.

  11. I've got to say, that there are people, in whatever race or

    crede, whom are ignorant, & impolite, but that also goes for

    the indigenous people of the U.K., as well.

    I have had contact with quite a lot of Nationalities, in my life,

    but mostly Asiatic, Polish Jamaican,African,& very few

    "rattled my cage", sufficiently, to cry any sort of abuse,for a

    minor "crime".

  12. all pacific islanders

  13. none, we all have rude and we all have polite in every culture :)

  14. There is polite and impolite in every society and culture.....

  15. austrians (especially those who are 'echte' vienner)

  16. I would have to say that apart from table manners the Americans are surely the most well-mannered and polite people, they do have a tendency to eat and drink whilst walking (which I do think is rather disgusting), the French are probably the most well-mannered people that I have ever encountered their table manners are exquisite and etiquette is still, thankfully, a really important matter for them.  If people answer the English then I am afraid that they are sorely misguided.  I live here and the vast majority of English people's behaviour makes me blush as it is degraded and base regardless of their social class.

  17. The Welsh

  18. it has to be the swiss they are very friendly

  19. I would say chinese or japanese

  20. not nationality;individuality.

  21. Africans

  22. germans

  23. definately dutch people.

  24. Japanese people, myself not Japanese but these people have made their respect via their acts, GREAT CULTURE!

  25. Most southeast Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Taiwanese, etc)

  26. french or russian

  27. Depends. When you are in a public place waiting for something, then the Brits are probably the most well-mannered and polite. But when you are in a private home and not having to queue for something, then the Japanese, Chinese or Thai are probably the most considerate and polite.

  28. The most kind incounters I have ever had were with older Spanish people. They are so kind and so polite. Remember, older people in any nationality have lived longer and have had more experiences. They have knowledge beyond our years and offer great advice.

  29. Chinese?

  30. dead people cos they never answer you back or moan or criticise. they are perfect.

  31. either chinese or japanese.  they're amazing people.  i'd be happy to marry one.  lovely people.

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