
Which network is more bias, FOX or MSNBC?

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Personally I think MSNBC is a little more upfront about being bias, while FOX maintains the slogan "fair and balanced."

I really like Pat Buchanan on MSNBC. He has made done some very good analysis on the election in stating what each candidate should be doing to gain an edge.

Morning Joe is a good show, but Countdown is obviously set against the Bush Admin and (coincidentally) FOX. Still funny when they find something to fact check on FOX or make fun of something "Mr Falafel" says or does.




  1. Fox also thx 2 points but seriously fox is better.

  2. Anyone would have to be realy blind, or flat out moronoic to see that FOX news has the greatest bias out of all of them. They slander left wing politics, their fair and biased interviews are with weak liberals, questions to interviewees are typically loaded questions, inject personal bias and belief (of Murdoch) with the false statement "Well some people believe..."

    I'm not saying the other networks are unbiased either, but when it comes to the most arrogantly one sided network, FOX news has to win that by a mile.

    I'd rather watch BBC than most american news sources about American politics these days

  3. FOX! hands down. EEF! bill o

  4. Fox is all republican all the time

    I dont know how anyone can call MSNBC biased one way or the other. They have biased republicans and bias democrats, so it is more fair

  5. Who cares?    It's SUMMER.   Shut the TV OFF.     GO OUTSIDE.    Ride your bike, join a pool, take a walk and then pull your lawn chair up under a tree and read a book.   Get some fresh air, listen to the birds.     Don't they sound better than the talking heads on tv?

  6. It's hard to say.  Personally I think MSNBC is worse.  FOX seems to make an attempt to present both sides most of the time.  I think they are both okay for just regular news, but everything else is politics.

  7. msnbc hence why they have a much lower rating then fox

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