
Which new users in cricket section has impressed you the most ?

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There are average questions asked everyday in cricket section but there are some good questions asked by new users.




  1. Agree with U........

  2. unfortunately TIGER doesn't like people who want self praise, people will recognise you and you don't need to ask such Qs, if you are really famous among people !

    unfortunately , i'm sorry to say that you post anti-national stuff and try to be oversmart for getting attention, which actually you are not !

    Edit: Shailesh, i also hate people, who manipulate and try to disguise, you didn't post the details twice, it got posted twice because you pressed the push button twice at the same time~ never manipulate, lol, i could have read it once, my eyes are like a gorilla!

    anyways, if you feel that you are not as bad as me, its fine, i appreciate your opinion~

    btw, can you clarify the intent of this hopeless Q?

    hope it helps!

    god bless!


  4. 'life is beautiful'

    she has a great knowledge of cricket

  5. I like all users if they treat me with respect, I do the same for them

  6. Actually I wanted to name myself !! Let somebody else say that

  7. Me

  8. None of them..Most of the "New" users are actually"Old" users with multiple accounts..

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This question has 8 answers.


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