
Which news channels are most liberal? Conservative? Unbiased?

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Out of all major news channel/magazine names (Time, CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, New York Times, etc...), which ones do you think are most:




Please provide a rating on how (liberal, conservative, or unbiased) you think they are. I'd appreciate a list with at least a few listed under each category. :)

Thank you.




  1. These terms are meaningless because all the major networks report with a pro-Israel/anti-Arab bias, that is neither liberal nor conservative or sometimes it is both. Since they all get press releases from the same Israel Lobby organizations, there isn't a single one of them that reports the unbiased truth. The Lobbyists come up with different ways to suck in both conservatives and liberals.

  2. Not to sound overly ambiguous, but it's really all a matter of perception. Among conservatives, there is a pretty general consensus that most of the mainstream media (i.e: the networks, CNN, Time magazine and the NY Times) slant either slightly or heavily to the left, with the NY Times sort of leading that front. Conservatives sometimes argue that most News Corp. media sources (i.e. Fox News, Fox Business, the New York post) are unbiased, while other conservatives admit that Fox tilts slightly to the right.

    Among liberals, the mainstream media is percieved to be more neutral. There may be some who concede that the NY Times and NBC News tilt leftward, but not much. Liberals argue that Fox slants its news heavily to the right.

    Personally, here's how I rate the bias of each news source:

    CBS News: With the exception of Bob Schieffer, most on-air personalities there are heavily critical of the president and all things conservative.

    NBC News: Basically the network news wing of the Obama campaign. Despite sometimes being benevolent to Senator McCain, most (save Brian Willaims and the late Tim Russert) on air people are extremely critical of the right.

    ABC News: Probably the fairest of all three networks, they are critical of both campaigns, and Charles Gibson's broadcast usually incorporates both sides of every story.

    CNN: Sort of a wild card. They generally tilt leftward, but Lou Dobbs and others provide some conservative views.

    Fox: Generally tilts rightward with hosts like Brit Hume, Sean Hannity and others. But Greta van Sustren and Alan Colmes provide liberal viewpoints as well, and their signature news anchor, Shepard Smith has displayed liberal views both on air and off air.

    Print journalism in general: Tilts leftward most of the time.

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