
Which normally people don't like BIRTH or DEATH.?

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Which normally people don't like BIRTH or DEATH.?




  1. definitely death

  2. A life satisfy soul dont like birth and unsatisfy soul dont like death

  3. depends on the sitaution, birth is always a good thing, and death can be good too, especally if it follows long term suffering. Not only that, death is apart of life, and if you believe in life after death, then death is not always looked upon as a bad thing.

  4. Peoples dont like the Girls birth  and  the Death  of any Young

  5. Both.

    People are just as squeemish about birth as they are about death.  Somebody posted a question here about having their three year old come to their second child's birth.  Everybody said he'd be traumatized by it.  I guess most hospital births ARE traumatizing. My second child's birth was at home. My daughter's birth was peaceful and her 3 year old sister was excited to be there.  I can't believe how many thumbs down I got for posting that.

    When talking about death people are just as squeemish.  We are all going to die, its just a question of when and where.  I hope that I die like my grandpa did.  At home surrounded by family in my sleep.  It was very peaceful.

  6. Both are just a change from one form of existence to another.  So, I suspect that people innately don't like both, as change is frightening.

  7. We can't show any feelings over Birth, as it is not in our hands....but Death is...

  8. Death obviously, everyone else in the world are afraid of this

  9. Death

    Death is forever, Birth is a miracle!!

  10. Sure birth can be painful for some, but why would it be worse than death? You are bringing a baby into the world which should bring joy and happiness. Death usually does not have that affect on people. So I would say death is less liked.  

  11. both.

  12. normally ppl dont like death,

    but i dont like birth,my own birth.If we take birth in this world we'll have to face many hurdles and pain and one day we'll hv to die . Its better we dont take birth.

  13. Death as its more painful.

  14. DEATH

  15. death surlly death  it takes everything away and birth gives you everything

  16. Death. Birth is precious.

  17. Death is probably worse then birth. Death is forever, birth is a miracle

  18. i feel both are felt painful.but death is felt painful only by the person who is in the end stake of his/her life. though giving birth is painful for the mother, it would obviously bring joy and happiness in her that would always make her forget the pains she had taken to deliver the baby, but i feel death is more painful because it brings pain in the people s heart as the person passes away, but birth just brings happiness to every one!

  19. may be birth.. that's why a baby cries when it's born.

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