
Which nutritional diet or herb can help cope with vomiting related to morning sickness. ?

by Guest10769  |  earlier

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Are there some medicines recommended for this by doctors. Can someone conceive while using a ultra uterine devise like "copper coil" . If someone conceives on coil is there a way the coil can be removed. How long does it take for a coil to expire.




  1. ginger is the best remedy for nausea, if you are pregnant while on the coil you have to get the coil removed.

  2. You can become pregnant while wearing an IUD, and you do have to have it removed a.s.a.p. for the safety of the baby.  It doesn't expire - it's effective until it is either removed or falls out or falls out of position.  If it stays in your uterus it can be effective for 10 years.  However it is only 98% effective so lots of women do become pregnant while wearing one - and they are more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy.

    Ginger is famous for relieving nausea, and it's supposed to be more effective in the dried form than fresh - and dried is more effective if you steep it in hot water to make tea.  Wild Yam is supposed to relieve morning sickness.  Cutting out as much junk from your diet as you can would also help to reduce  vomiting.

  3. Ginger ale really helped me when I was pregnant with my daughter, but be sure you read the labels.  Not all "ginger ales" have ginger in them.  I drank the Thomas Kemper ginger ale.  It's a little different, but it did help.  I also ate saltines often too.

    The trick is to keep your stomach full, but not stuffed.  Don't eat large meals, eat a little bit often.

    I have also heard B6 can help too.

    If you're really having a hard time with the morning sickness, there are medications that can be prescribed.  Ask your OB.

  4. The best supplements for calming the stomach and nausea would be Ginger, Peppermint Oil, Aloe Vera, and DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice).

    As far as I remember from health class, an ultra uterine device (or an Intra-Uterine Device, an IUD) is for birth control. If you've gotten pregnant while having the IUD in, you need to see your doctor ASAP.

    Good luck and congratulations!

  5. herb-lemon grass

    smell lemons or drink ginger tea

  6. Try raspberry leaf herb tea.  My wife also gave this to me once when I was sick with flu and it got me right back on my feet.  God bless and feel better.

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