
Which of the 10 Amendments is most important to u and why? are you a republican, democrat? why?

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im trying to compose an essay an would like a general view of what others think. i can choose either question. thanks for your time and help.




  1. I value all 10 equally. Without them we would not be the America we love so dearly. Yet you can't keep the other nine without the threat of the second.

  2. They are all important for varying reasons.  I can't honestly say, which one takes precedence over the other.

    I subscribe to neither side, simply because neither side projects the ideals I believe in totally.  Secondly, I abhor the idea of being beholden to party loyalty.  I once had a friend tell me, "You need to be a good Democrat and support this policy"  What is a good Democrat?  Is it someone who supports a policy blindly that violates your very own principles in the interests of political expediency?  I think that's silly.

  3. I love them and think they are precious... but I am partial to freedom of religion. No one can take away how we want to worship and believe, and we can freely talk about it... ignore it or accept it - it is the greatest, and many place around the world don't have it.

  4. The 2nd ! It protects the other 9 from being taken away ! I'm a conservative.

  5. All of them, minus a few clauses.  To value one over all ten is like eating without drinking.

  6. The 1st Amendment, this is the most important element to democracy...I have voted Dem and RNC.

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