
Which of the 13 amendments is the...?

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most important to you? & why?




  1. wtf?!?!? theres 27 amendments not 13 where have you been in the last 150 years? and the 2nd amendment is the most important because without it the government could do anything it wanted because they had all the weapons

  2. Second because I love my gat. First is bullshit, I think it's currently nul and void in today's world.

  3. yup after 4 answerrs you should know 2nmd is better

  4. I agree with Kirk Spock.

    For he themostlogical

  5. First there are 27 amendments, not 13.  And actually to me there are two that are most important and that is the 1st and 14th Amendments.  The First Amendment provides five freedoms that most people don't remember: freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  The Fourteenth Amendment provides the all-important Due Process clause, which states that the government shall not deprive you of "life, liberty, or property without due process of law."

  6. None of them. What should be important to all natural born American nationals is their own state constitution and the Articles of Confederation which was never repealed and is still active law (treaty) today. Understand there is a big difference between the united States of America (Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation treaty between the states of the Union) and United States (Constitution) which is the District of Columbia. If you don't live there it doesn't apply to you. Stop listening to the nightly news and do your own research. Your freedom depends on it.

  7. 2nd.

    Without the 2nd, we have no way to stop the government from intruding on all other "rights".

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