
Which of the Martial Arts is more practical to defense in the daily life?

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*Tae Kwon Do


*Kung Fu





  1. None. All.

    Look, Martial Arts as they are taught are not practical. So you learn a few moves. But until you're taught to move without thinking about the move, it's useless. That's up to you to learn. Martial arts are a manner of transmitting principles by demonstrating techniques. The techniques are useless unless you understand the underlying principles. All of them have them.

    This is where you fight the difference between Martial Arts and fighting methods. Fighting methods will teach you "respond this way" without the principles and the art. They're good for quick and dirty self-defense, but they're not complete, and shouldn't be considered a complete course in self-defense. They're meant to offer you a better chance to survive than someone untrained.

    In either manner, the art or method isn't what's effective or practical, it's how you train and how you apply it.

  2. Well... I'm pleasantly surprised. I came into this question expecting the usual UFC fans screaming about how useless martial arts are. Instead, I got probably the most intelligent and experienced answer I've seen in this forum yet.

    stslavik is correct - the art is preference - it's how you use and learn what you've been shown that makes the art effective, not which style's flag you herald. Dedication, hard work, spirit, and resolve are what determine how 'practical' your art is.

    Give that man the points for a best answer. He deserves it for using his brain to look beyond basic instruction of martial arts.

  3. i personally am a first degree black belt, testing in Dcember for my second degree, and i think that shorin ryu and shorin kan are very practical to defense.

  4. Ju-Jitsu it teaches you to elimate strikes and defend against larger opponets

  5. If what you seek is self defense, you may want to try a combat art, arts which are geared towards modern combat situations.

    If the likelihood of being attacked by a bow staff or sword is unlikely I would recommend Combat SAMBO or Krav Maga.  Of course as a Krav Maga instructor I have my bias, but I do like both Combat SAMBO (Russian Army) and Krav Maga (IDF)  both were developed for modern combat.  Some of the techniques involve lethality, but this is a reality of life. Both arts train weapons from the very start, so as you progress, you will gain more comfort in disarming an armed opponent and learn practical fighting techniques.

    In krav Maga we work the students pretty hard physically, we will get you in shape to take a punch.  I don't know where you live, so resources like Krav Maga and SAMBO may not be available in your area.  If not, look for a good MMA gym that combines martial arts, check to see if  they teach modern weapons disarmament if you are looking for truly practical self defense.

    Muay Thai and BJJ together are a very good combination, this in conjunction with a little weapons training and you should have not only the capability to defend yourself, but a hobby and a form of exercise you can do for a long time.  There are many good MMA gyms all over the country and they cover both stand up fighting and ground fighting.  The exercise is good, and if they don't teach weapons, you can always take seminars on weapons disarmament.

    Whatever you choose, be sure you enjoy the class, relate well with the instructors and that they relate well with you beyond the original sales pitch.  Ask if you can both watch a class and participate in the class prior to signing up.

    Good luck and enjoy....

  6. Kajukenbo.

  7. For me karate because I'm learning it and you can really defend your self, like being choked,stab by knife,etc...

  8. Tae Kwon Do

    Jiu Jitsu is better

  9. judo throws

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