
Which of the Seven Deadly Sin appeals to you most? What's your sign?

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Which sin do you find yourself committing the most and the least? What are your Mars, Moon, & Rising signs?

Which sin, in your opinion is the deadliest, and why?

Superbia (Vanity)

Avaritia (Avarice)

Ira (Wrath)

Invidia (Envy)

Luxuria (Lust)

Acedia (Sloth)

Gula (Gluttony)

These are no particular order, but I'd like to see what you think is the most deadly in your own orders because I'm bored out of my mind.




  1. Sloth is good...I could use some Sloth.

  2. Gluttony is the one i tend to give into the most.

    Lust and Wrath the least.

  3. The one where you can't kill..

    Killing people,and taking away a life that isn't yours is disgusting.

  4. Gluttony.  Love to eat!

    Cancer Sun

    Scorpio Moon

    Aquarius rising

  5. I'm greedy as h**l when it comes to food so thank God for a high metabolism. I'm gonna go with gluttony. Gotta eat!

  6. lust pretty much

  7. It used to be Sloth... Where's Pride? Turned into Vanity? I guess that's mine now.

    Aries Mars. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Edit: I'm so sorry but I really have to get it out of my system. XD. Wrath reminds me so much of... I don't think I should say this. LAWL. I'm so sorry Queenie but you're the first one that came to mind when I saw Wrath's appearance. =P

  8. Lust

  9. one true friend and enemy. I eat like a monster....Seriously, most heavy men are intimidated by the amount I eat. I mostly eat for the sake of it too...It's my reason for living.

    Second most committed sin would be Wrath. I have a hard time controlling my anger, and I often am too hasty to take it out on others. I spend a lot of my time fantasizing about the slow torture and death of people I dislike.

    Which one do I think is the deadliest? I'd say Greed or Lust. Many of the other sins stem from those two in particular.

    Libra Mars/Rising, Cancer Moon

    Silly JC: Haha, I'll take that as a compliment. > : )

  10. These are the three I commit the most:

    1) Lust

    2) Sloth

    3) Gluttony


    1) Wrath

    2) Envy

    3) Avarice

    I'd say wrath is the most dangerous. Hatred breeds violence which creates a lot of other problems. Avarice is pretty damaging too. But none of them are great in large quantities!

    Sagittarius Sun

    Scorpio Moon

    Libra Rising

    Scorpio Mars

  11. Deadliest sin : Lust :leads to Aids and Rape

  12. Vanity,Lust and Wrath. Couldn't decide on one!

    Cancer/Taurus/and I'm not sure about rising sign

  13. Vanity and Lust.

    Taurus sun Moon Cancer Leo rising

    God, they're so beautiful.

  14. haha errm . . .

    wrath, vanity and lust! lollll

    scorpio sun, taurus moon, scorpio venus, gemini mars and scorpio rising

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