
Which of the following News stations will be the most reliable during the DNC? FOX NEWS, CNN or MSNBC?

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Which of the following News stations will be the most reliable during the DNC? FOX NEWS, CNN or MSNBC?




  1. None of the above.  Watch it on PBS.

  2. Fox News would be good for the Republican Convention, but bad for the Democratic Conventon. CNN or MSNBC would be better for the Democratic Convention.  

  3. Not the Clinton News Network.

    Not the Nobody But Clinton network.

    Probably not Fox News.

    They are all way to Liberal.

    Watch PBS.

  4. Did you not get enough leftists answers last time you posted this?

    FOX. If you think they are completely behind McCain you have never sat through 10 minute's of Hannity's show. He rags constantly on McCain, and is right most of the time. And if that is true how can you bash them?

  5. Anything but Faux news.

  6. They will each be reliable in their own way, to their own audiences.  I watch CNN, FOX, and anything else that might give me a hint of truth, and then I compile the results and make my own mind up.  I suggest the same for anyone else.  Blinders are for horses, not people.

  7. I think you should check out each one to get an idea of how each network is reporting it, but I would trust PBS, BBC and CSPAN for coverage of the convention.  

  8. Whichever news station shows the Convention in it's entirety while keeping their big mouth idiotic pundits' pie holes shut and without commercials

    BTW, they all have pundits, but Fox news isn't news, it's all punditry all of the time.

    I agree with Colleen, watch it on PBS, it's far better coverage, no commercials.

  9. CNN and MSNBC, definitely not Fox News.PBS is also excellent. It makes sense to listen to all channels to get a complete picture, except Fox

  10. Definitely not fox.

    I would trust the BBC for unbiased coverage.

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