
Which of the following a correct chronological sequence of different provinces joining confederation?

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A. Ontario. PEI, Manitoba,BC

B. Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Bc, PEI

C. Quebec, Manitoba, PEI, BC?

D. Ont, PEI,Bc,Manitoba?




  1. 1867 Ontario,Quebec,Nova Scotia, New Brunswick

    1870 Manitoba, North West territories

    1871 British Columbia

    1873 Prince Edward Island

    1898 Yukon territory

    1905 Alberta, Saskatchewan

    1945 Newfound land

    1999 NWT split and Nunavut added

  2. B.

  3. The correct order (of the options you provide) is B: Nova Scotia (1867), Manitoba(1870), British Columbia (1871) and Prince Edward Island (1873).  There were of course other provinces that joined during this time but you asked about the sequence of joining confederation of these four options.

  4. b

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