
Which of the following best describe how Senator Obama's worshippers consider him: Mr. Perfect, The Chosen...?

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One, That Boy, He's Sooooo WONDERFUL!, The One, Mickey's Boy, Malia & Sasha's Daddy, Mr. Cool, He's Sooooo SMART!, My Knees Get Very, Very Weak When I See Him.

If you don't see it on this list, please FEEL free to add it in your answer.

Have FUN with this one, okay, kids? lol




  1. I think they see him as a rock star/royalty, with a little Messiah thrown in.

  2. LMAO....Oh yes, your question is SO funny, clever and hypocritical, because Republican'ts are slobbering over Palin like she's a pork chop. You would have thought she was Gandhi or Mother Theresa(not quite) But I guess you Cons are used to that whole hypocrisy thing.....

  3. nobody is perfect...but he's certainly better than McSAME !

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