
Which of the following best describes the carbon-chlorine bond of an alkyl chloride?

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a) ionic

b) nonpolar; no dipole

c) polar; at carbon and -at chlorine

d) polar; -at carbon and at chlorine

e) none of the above




  1. Well, the bond between Carbon and chlorine, is a polar covalent bond.

    Since chlorine, is definitely more electronegative than carbon, hence it attracts the shared pair of electrons between the two atoms, closer to itself and hence gain a bit negative charge (partial - denoted by greek symbol delta) .

    So the Carbon-Chlorine bond is Polar, with partial charges as follows : +ve at Carbon and -ve at Chlorine.

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  2. c)

    polar; delta(+) at carbon and delta(-) at chlorine

    d(+) C---Cl d(-) because the clorine has bigger electronegativity, means that Cl nucleus attract stronger the elecrons from C-Cl bond towards itself making partially negative charge on Cl, in same time, due to that C atom remail poor for the electrons and with partially positive charge.

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