
Which of the following is NOT a service often provided by representatives to their constituents?

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A. attempting to influence the decision of a regulartory commission on behalf of a constituent.

B. presenting a private bill for constituents.

C. offering constituents legal advice regarding new administrative laws.

D. writing and mailing out newsletters.




  1. B and C.  If you have to choose one, choose C.

    Here is why.  It is unconstitutional to pass a "private" law regarding one business or person.  Thus, B is wrong.

    Further, it is illegal to give legal advice.  You can provide an interpretation, and you can assist with the history on how the committee intended the law to be applied, but you cannot provide legal advice.  That is limited to attorneys licensed in the state in question.  Most legislators would not ever provide legal advice, as it opens up liability, and results in an attorney-client relationship (which could well be adversarial to another constituent).

    Good luck.

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