
Which of the following is NOT an example of a fungus?

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mold on bread

athlete’s foot

photosynthetic algae





  1. photosynthetic algae

    Algae are plants, not fungi.

  2. It's Mushrooms.... Because they grow where there is plenty of organic hummus in the soil matter. In fact mushroom are not compatable around fungus.

  3. photosynthetic algae

    all fungus are decomposers and are not photosynthetic

  4. I think photosynthetic algae is a plant because it is capable of photosynthesis.


  5. Photosynthetic algae is Protista; Not Fungi

  6. Mold on bread is a fungus.

    Athlete's foot is a fungus.

    Photosynthetic algae IS NOT a fungus.

    Mushrooms are a fungus.

  7. photosynthetic algae. Fungus includes mold, yeast, smuts and mushrooms.

  8. Three of the four are fungi.  The exception is the algae, which is a plant.  The most obvious two of the three that are fungi, are mushroom, and Athlete's Foot (Fungus).--You often will see the word 'fungus' at the end of the name of that disease.

    There are many types of mold.  And just are there are beneficial mushrooms and harmful ones, there are beneficial molds--as in bread mold, the one from which penicillin was first made, and harmful ones--as in the one that is responsible for 'dry rot' which is very destructive to the wood in stick-frame built houses, and elsewhere.

    Sometimes you find helpful and harmful qualities in the same mold.  For example, ergot or 's**t of rye' (yes, infamous for its synthesis into LSD) is both deadly poisonous and an important precursor to drugs like hydergine--an important but under-utilized treatment for senility, early-diagnosed Alzheimer's Disease, and also used to induce labor in pregnant women.

  9. I think it is mold on bread.

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