
Which of the following is NOT one of the factors contributing to the high cost of sexual reproduction?

by  |  earlier

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a) specialized reproductive structures such as the male p***s

b) production of excessive number of gametes

c) development of elaborate courtship rituals

d) production of the cytoplasm for millions of reproductive buds

e) nourishment of offspring




  1. a?

  2. a)

    a) and c) don't seem to be.  They're not contributing factors, they're the result of such factors.  If I had to pick only one, I'd pick a), because c) could arguably require time/energy.

    b), d) and e) all require time/energy.  Time/energy is the exacted cost of sexual reproduction, either pre-birth, or post-birth.

  3. the answer is D

    Extra cytoplasm would need to be produced during asexual reproduction. So this is not an extra cost of sexual reproduction.

    Also, budding is a form of asexual reproduction.

    Nourishment of offspring is a tricky answer for them to put because this can occur during asexual reproduction even though its not considered common. However, D seems to be what the question is looking for.

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