
Which of the following is not a probable adaptive advantage of bipedalism?

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A) It increased hominids’ ability to brachiate through trees and thus escape from predators.

B) It helped hominids survive in open savanna environments.

C) It allowed hominids to carry things to a home base.

D) It helped to reduce exposure to solar radiation

E) It increased hominids’ ability to see over tall grass, and thus to spot food and predators.




  1. .Tell me please. How can we be anything other than bipedal when we only have two legs. All Apes are bipedal, except that they use their arms to help them get around on the ground. They also get most of their food from the ground, IE ; nuts, roots and tender shoots of greenery. This is a great advantage to the Gorilla and the panda, and even the chimp, but it would never have been beneficial to man even in his early days man would need to be upright to pick apples and other such fruits, and for fishing and scratching a living from the land. He would need to be upright (to throw stones and then later spears) to kill his quarry; I say it would never be feasible for man ever to have been anything other than bipedal. Finally. I have no quarrel with evolution, so long as it happens within the life of a particular species. It cannot change into something else. IE.:Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Dodo, and the Great Auk. If Evolution works across species, then where are their Descendants ?

    PS. You ask the question. Which of the following ! Which of the following what ?

  2. C

  3. Flying!

  4. None of them explains why humans became bipedal in the first place. While those you list may have been popular hypotheses at one time, and many of them are made possible by bipedalism or encourage bipedalism, the fact is that we are still researching this question. The current best hypothesis for why humans evolved bipedal locomotion is the "running hypothesis".

  5. (to above poster, didn't pay much attention in class, huh?)

    A few of the suggested advantages of, or reasons for hominids  to move bipedally are;

    -able to carry young while moving.

    -standing upright is more conducive to cooling the body

    -see over tall grass; able to see potential prey (and predators).

    -leaves hands free, important in the development of tool use.

    thats all i can remember....

  6. Not a question. Incomplete.

  7. Which of the following what?


    Ah!  I see what you mean now.

    I find it more feasible that we, Modern Humans, are now, exactly what we were when we were 'introduced' to the planet, around 45 thousand years ago.  We've never 'swung through trees', nor ever been anything other than bipedal.  It is what the fossil and artifactual evidence actually really suggests, as opposed to the impossible, unevidenced and ridiculous theory that we magically 'evolved' from a totally imaginary, nameless, indescribable, creature, that evolutionists call, "The Common Ancestor", which they conjured up, in an attempt to force their theory to fit, due to the total absence of any 'mediatory' fossil evidence.

    (By the way, I don't accept that we were 'created' by a murderous, cruel god either, before I am sarcastically attacked and insulted as being a 'creationist', by the fanatical defenders of the 'Evolutionist's faith').

  8. I'm going to answer this question based on the society of the hunters and gatherers.  Bipedalism describes the hunter and gatherers whose must uses both feet and to be on their foot when hunting and gathering.  It is commonly used to describe a fishermen.  

    Bipedalism consist of many probable disadvantages.  Fishermen for example; they must find a different resource when fishing season is over.  In addition, keep in mind that they are risking their meal everyday because not everyday they are guaranteed to have a catch.  Another disadvantage is for the usual on foot hunters that hunts in the fields/ forests.  They too don't always catch a meal.  Most of the time, they come back empty handed but the women is definite she will have a meal to offer since they are the gatherers in fruits and vegetables.

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