
Which of the following is the most effective approach to municipal solid waste management?

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resource reduction, recycling, composting or incineration





    but the public MUST clasify trash otherwise it becomes an impossible and expensive task

    organic wastes mixed in with trash is responsible for 70% of soil and fround water contamination

    the municipalities should have different trucks collecting different types of wastes iniciating the clasification at the source ,the homes

    the truck for plastic only taking plastic and going to its recycling destination

    the organic truck going to a worm culture or compost operation ,

    and the metal to its recycling destination ,

    in this way the whole process becomes viable and can be controlled

    the crew of the individual trucks policing the types of trash they collect

  2. Recycling is the best way.  Each village, town or city should have a recycle site where they can offer unwanted items or get items for free and also list garage sales.  Sarnia and area has one

    50 items were listed in one day.

  3. All waste management options should aim to be as high on the waste hierarchy as possible:

    1st Eliminate or reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place,

    2nd Re-use the waste (re-use of bottles or bags etc)

    3rd Recycling and composting - changing the physical state of the waste to make it usable in a different application

    4th Incineration with energy recovery in form of directly heated water or production of electricity.

    5th Disposal to landfill - Final option if all above not possible

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