
Which of the following liquid is the unknown?

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the question At 25 degrees C, 10.0181 g of an unknow liquid was found to have a volume of 6.75 ml. Calculate the density of the liquid.

is the formula d=m/v so the answer i got was 1.484 is this correct? the next question asked was out of these three liquids which one is it. water at 0.9982, or toluene at 0.9669 or chloroform at 1.4832 I chose chloroform am I right? please help




  1. You are absolutely correct.  Density is the ratio of mass to volume,

    that is D = m/v and your calculations are right; the density of your

    liquid is 1.484 grams per ml.

    The only one of the three liquids given whose density is even close

    is chloroform, so again you are right.  Give yourself an A!

  2. Your  answer  is  the  right  one .

          A ++

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