
Which of the following represents a link between the nervous and endocrine system?

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A) Pons

B) Cerebellum

C) Medulla oblongata

D) Cerebrum

E) Hypothalmus




  1. E) Hypothalamus.

    The Hypothalamus is responsible for lots of stuff, but it links with the endocrine system to control hunger and other important bodily functions.

  2. E, the hypothalamus.

    The hypothalamus regulates heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, water and electrolyte balance, hunger, body weight, movements, glandular secretions, sleep, wakefullness, and "production of neurosecretory substances that stimulate the pituitary gland to release hormones that help regulate growth, control various glands, and influence reproductive physiology".

    The neurosecretory substances from the pituitary gland are hormones from the endocrine system, which control endocrine and nervous function.

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