
Which of the following represents a non-polar covalent bond?

by  |  earlier

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a) O-O b)C-O d)C=O

the answer is A but I don't undrestand why because in b they are sharing too!




  1. a. is a perfect covalent bond.

    To determine bond type, you need to substract electro-negativeity values.  Oxygen is 3.5.  So, 3.5 - 3.5 = 0

    Most sources cite 0-0.4 as covalent, 0.41-1.9 as polar covalent, and 1.91+ as ionic.

  2. Though they all are sharing electrons, but in second and third option, she shaired pair of electrons is closer to O atom, coz its more electronegative, and carbon is less.

    Whereas in 1st option, both hav same electronegativity, so same attraction for electrons, so shaired electrons lire in mid way, and hence the bond is NON POLAR.

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  3. Non-polar=same electronegativity value. it's A

  4. a. because the elctronegativity of the two atoms that bonded is the same.. therefore it cancels out.

  5. Actually

    a. is a perfect covalent bond.

    To determine bond type, you need to substract electro-negativeity values. Oxygen is 3.5. So, 3.5 - 3.5 = 0

    Most sources cite 0-0.4 as covalent, 0.41-1.9 as polar covalent, and 1.91+ as ionic.

  6. A net dipole movement is non-existant on the diatomic "Oxygen" molecule. Your answer would be oxygen if it was a double bond (O=O).

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