
Which of the following rocks is most likely to weather quickly?

by  |  earlier

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a. a buried rock in a mountain

b. an exposed rock on a plain

c. an exposed rock on a slope




  1. c. an exposed rock on a slope... because rain, wind, and chemical degradation will be the key contributor in weathering the rock quickly... rain will weather rock most likely..

  2. The answer is (c) exposed rock  on the slope.


  3. It would have to depend on the environment.

    If it was a desert, exposed rocks on a plain would weather quickly compared to slope since wind can contact rocks on all directions (besides bottom)

    if it was a stream/mountain with precipitant, running water carries more energy on slopes and would graze the rocks and weather quickly relative to a plain

  4. exposed on a plain..i think

  5. c

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