
Which of the following would make you feel is worse?

by  |  earlier

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a) A charming, controlling, obsessive, possessive husband/wife, who will follow you if you place a restraining order.

b) A rich spouse who gives you money to do whatever you want, but cheats on you on a daily basis and has a mistress/toy boy.




  1. B) i would think there would be allot more emotional and physiological damage

    A) I would at least know if he came around me the restraining order was still in affect.

  2. A).  He sounds dangerous.

  3. Staying with him.

  4. I'll now give you a trick answer to a trick question.  Both are equally bad because both are dehumanizing men.  Either one would make you feel awful...the first you could not leave easily but the second example you could, hopefully.  The question is loaded because they are equal cads.  

  5. None they sound like weirdos.

  6. Its not gonna make me feel anything because I wouldnt be with either. I respect myself too much for that c**p.

  7. Well, that's choosing between the giant douche and the t**d sandwich (South Park reference),

    But I'd say A) is worse.  At least B) isn't constantly harassing me while I am figuring out how to get out of the situation.

  8. anyone that would settle for either has some serious mental issues.  

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