
Which of the major railroads will have the best growth in business?

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I'm thinking perhaps Kansas City Southern, what with them running down into Mexico (perhaps they will be swallowed up by another company?)




  1. True, KCS has grown leaps since gaining access to Mexico in taking ownership of railroads down there.  However, I think Norfolk Southern is also one to always look at as well.  From its days prior to the merger with the N&W and Southern Railways, NS is a well oiled machine which thrives on efficiency and is always looking for ways to cut costs and find new business.

  2. UP....hands down

  3. Intermodal traffic can do nothing but continue to increase.  Those with unfettered access to the seaports along the west coast will have the greatest access to pacific rim business, including China, which is coming in to its most productive time when compared with any other decade, or century, for that matter.

    Those engines servicing these western ports will mostly be painted yellow, red, grey and silver.  But, there'll be a few two-tone brown jobbies too............... or whatever ya call that paint scheme.  Personally, I liked these engines better when they were green and white.

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