
Which of the social sciences should I study first?

by Guest34281  |  earlier

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I really wanna learn about man.....everything about him or rather me......but i don't know where to start. should i start with philosophy? find out their motives and ideas. psychology? they think. anthropology? archeology?( which find rather boring), history? political science? economics? I really wanna know and learn about myself and my fellow man, but it's driving me crazy not knowing where to start. If it's history should I start with my own country( Philippines) or with the countries that colonized us, or ancient empires that influenced them that indirectly influenced our country. Philosophy, but which one? It's driving me mad....please I need you're advice!




  1. come to india, there are so many ways to learn about ourselves by antient theories. or just read Bhagavad Geeta. Iyt will help u in understanding who are u? from where from u? and a lot about u and others.

  2. You're thinking about it the wrong way.

    Don't start with one, then move on to another, and so on.

    It doesn't matter which your start with first; pick something you like more than others, and learn about it for a while (or take up two).

    Then move on, and put what you learned from the first to what you're studying later.

    While you study, apply what you're reading; take those ideas that you find most helpful in explaining things.

    Look at particular things from a variety of perspectives, taking insights from each as appropriate.

    Dont' try to do some "comprehensive" trying to learn everything about one subject before turning to another.

    Once you start, you'll find they relate and lead to each other in a lot of ways. So follow these connections.

    When you read a book that's especially sane and useful, pay attention to recommended other books that author suggests, and read the most appealing of those that's accessible to you at whatever point you're at at that point.

    Often, the most illuminating books are those that are between the cracks of more than one subject; someone conversant in more than one field, bringing them together.

    Don't be paralized by where to start.

    Go to a used book store near a university, and browse, and buy and read what appeals to you -- whatever it is -- and just start.

    Then meander through them all.

    Go for it.

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