
Which of the two realtors would it be fair to get the commissions for?

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Ok guys, not an easy situation...When my wife and I started looking for a house I suggested a realtor?

that I knew. That realtor had spent a lot of time helping us look for a house. Then, without telling us, she(realtor) just kind of gave us to her husband and he started to email us, and make visits with us. Both my wife and I didn't enjoy his presence (he doesn't know when to be quiet), and after a couple of arguments my wife went ahead and found another realtor.

After a couple of months of looking we found a house that the first realtor already showed to us few months back, and now there is a dilemma - who should we go with? Our current realtor, or the one that originally showed us the house (price was way higher back than)

I wouldn't hesitate on it, but the problem is that both realtors and my wife and I are part of the same (Czech) community, and want to or not, will always see each other.

I am torn. What is the right decision? Which one of them should get a commission?




  1. that is a sucky situation to be in :( i think if it was me i would go with the most recent realtor for a couple oviously didnt want the house when the first realtor showed it to you due to high cost bad time whatever the case maybe then also in my opinon your loyatly doesnt need to be with the first one she apperently didnt think enough of you to keep you as her clients so you dont really owe her anything (unless of course you had began transactions like biding or something while with the first realtor ) otherwise i would go with the 2nd one he showed it to you when the price was better and the timing was right....yes its unfortanate and it will be awkward like you said but theres going to be awkwardness anyway right....the opertunity has presented itself to you to do something that will benifit you you need to concintrate on that congrations on your hopefuly soon to be new home :)

  2. Unless you "fired" the agent a few weeks ago go with the second.

    Was the first Realtors husband also an agent?    If he wasn't it was illegal for him to be showing you anything any way.

  3. You should explain the situation to your current realtor and let him/her deal with it.  If the first realtor(s) found the house for you they are the "procuring cause" of the sale and should receive a portion of the commission.

  4. Usually the realtor who showed you the house first is considered to have represented you as the buyer, but they should have a contract that says that too.  Check the contract, it should say who gets paid and how.

  5. As a Realtor I would say give it to the person that devoted there time to you!  Now as a Husband  I say Go on the Wifes Judgement since you have to live with her.

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