
Which of the two tv's are the best option?

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I'm buying a new television as present for my dad and I'm not sure which of these two is the better...


any help would be wonderful considering i know very little about electronics and i want to make sure i'm getting the best possible deal with a good tv. thanks!




  1. Between the two...

    Absolutly, no questions asked, hands down, the Samsung is MUCH better!

  2. You are comparing two different items:

    LCD, 1080p vs Plasma 720p

    Each will have their advantages/disadvantages.  I&#039;d pick Samsung brand over the Magnavox shooting from the hip. However, you really need to see them side by side. And compare features.  Can you find out whose scaler/deinterlacer is used in Samsung, what about Magnavox.  Whose LCD panel is used in Magnavox...

    The Plasma will have nicer blacks--maybe that is what you are looking for. And colors will probably be more saturated. Try to check these out at Best Buy/Circuit City before making any choice.

  3. I&#039;d say ask a sales associate at Walmart for assistance, but we all no they&#039;re non-existent. Like stated above, plasma&#039;s do achieve darker blacks, and handle faster movements better. However, LCDs do encounter less issues with glare. Plasmas still have a glass sheet similar to an old tube television. Brand wise, Samsung is going to be one of the top three LCDs, and probably third or fourth for plasma. I&#039;d say play it safe and go to Best Buy. After all, they are the leading sellers of televisions.

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