
Which of the under qualified candidates is more likely to become president one day, Obama or Palin?

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I'm not impressed with your powers of observation since you've mischaracterized my question as my judgement.

Here's some judgement for you:

I've decided to not just passively believe everything on obama's web site as the gospel truth. I decided to do my own research and draw my own conclusions. Every time I head down a path that Obama doesn't want me to know about, it ends up at a dead end, shrouded in mystery and littered with unsavory characters.

I've had the good judgement to keep my distance from crooks, communists and terrorists in my lifetime. I'm going to exercise my good judgement and take my vote to McCain and Palin.




  1. If you say campaigning for 2 years and drinking coffee saying "i" "nay" and raising hand then vote for Obama.

    If you want someone who's building a pipeline from Alaska to US states and cleaned corruption then vote for Palin.

  2. Funny, she is the most qualified of the four.

    Executive Experience

    Palin = Governor 2 years

    McCain = Some in the Navy

    Biden = 0

    Obama = 0

  3. Palin because she pisses off the elitests who feel entitled of both parties while Obama just pisses off all members of one party.  Americans appreciate people who aren't full of bull and aren't full of themselves and, well, Palin happens to be humble (unlike the self-promoting Obama).

  4. Obama, and he's very qualified. I just watched a CNN special on his life that shows to me he's VERY ready. Maybe you should take your head out of your *** and try learning about a candidate before making judgments.  

  5. Obama will become president on Jan. 20th 2009.  Say what you will...

  6. Palin, she is an outsider and a true example of CHANGE! She also has just as much and even more experience than obama, because she has governing experience. Historically not many senators have became president. We have not had a former senator for president since kennedy and before kennedy there were not many senators who were elected for president. People respect Palins Morals, and her ordinary everyday American Upbringing

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