
Which of these 2 girl names is the prettiest?

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I am trying to decide on a name for a baby girl. Which do you like best and what image does the name bring to mind?

The 2 names are very similar:






  1. i think Anna and what image comes to my mind is a cute little baby :] but thats just my opinion.

  2. Hannah.

  3. Hannah!

  4. Hannah. =) I'm writing a novel and the main character's name is Hannah. I think its a beautiful name and I think Anna is just way too plain sounding .

  5. Hannah or Hanna

  6. They are both great feminine names!

    But out of the two i would pick HANNAH!

    Its more girly and sweet sounding!

    Also it sounds very, very, very pretty!

    Also i prefer the sweet H sound in the name compared to the kind of course sound of the A in the name Anna! The H just makes it that much sweeter!

    When i think of the name Hannah, i think of a cute little girl. Thats always happy! ALL AROUND GOOD GIRL - comes to mind first!

    And plus you can have both names if you choose HANNAH!

    Hannah will be her actually name and her nickname can be ANNA!

    Best of both worlds, don't you think!

  7. Anna, because even though it is common, Hannah it just TOO common. also because it just has a nice sound to it. It sounds southern and what comes to mind is a blond or brunette girl with curly hair. Hannah also sounds southern but has a bouncy quality to it. I like both names and here are some more suggestions:






    and a very uncommon spelling which i have only seen once:



    then there is:






    hope this helps!

  8. How bout Annalise if you like Anna?  Hannah is pretty too, but I LOVE Annalise.  You could also spell it Annelise.  They are both very classy, elegant, feminine names.

  9. hannah

  10. I love the name Hannah.

    Anna is a very common name. I once had 4 Anna's in one of my classes. Gets very confusing.

  11. I personally like Anna better it sounds more elegant and beautifull

  12. Anna- because it makes me think of "Anna & The King".

    Hannah is nice but reminds  me of a farm girl.

  13. I love Hannah

  14. My baby sister name is hananh.

    it depends if you want a more bubbly name or soft and serene. But I like hannah(= its more bubbly.

  15. I love the name Hannah. sweet, gentle, pretty, blond, honest, smart, talented in dance.

  16. Well Anna is the name of my best friend so I think of the funniest prettiest nicest girl in the world but I have to admit the name Anna is losing its touch its a name of the past.

    Personaly the name Hannah is adorable and I dont know any one named it but it newer and fresher and it may be popular but in my city it really isn't so I guess if you know a lot of other people naming their girls Hannah then I'd go for it.

  17. I prefer Anna.

    I've always thought of Hannah as too common, and kind of a fad name. I think that Anna is very sweet and old fashioned in a good way.

  18. Anna. It's sweet and cute, but still works when she grows up. Not that Hannah doesn't... but yes, Anna.

  19. I've always liked Anna over Hannah.

  20. definatly anna...theres tons of names that "anna" could be the nickname of like anastaia, analicia, annabelle...the list goes on. hannah would be associated w/ hannah montana.

  21. Anna

  22. I'm not crazy about either name but if I had to choose, I'd say Hannah because I think its a little cuter than just plain Anna..which, by the way, I think sounds a bit  "old".

  23. Anna- Hannah is too common anymore

  24. Anna as it has a nicer sounding tone and Hannah has a harsher tone because the H but personally I prefer Annie out of all the Ana, Anna, Hannah combinations

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