
Which of these 3 dinner options should I make?

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I have the ingredients to make all these, but Im stuck on which to make for me, my boyfriend, a 6 year old and 1 year old.

1. Chimichangas

2. Bruschetta Chicken Bake

3. Macaroni and meatballs with garlic bread.

Thanks for your help!




  1. choice#3 sounds good

  2. Macaroni and meatballs w/ garlic bread sound really good. Go with that !  

  3. macaroni and meatballs and garlic bread.........sounds good.....

  4. I would go with #3. It's a kids heaven. They'll love it and you will too!!!

  5. chimichangas

    but the 1 year old might enjoy pasta and meatballs more

  6. 3 sounds really good,enjoy!

  7. I think Bruschetta Chicken Bake sounds good ,but it's up to you what you really want and feel like fixing.

  8. The chicken bake

  9. The bruschetta chicken bake looks great.

  10. I think Macaroni would be the best for everyone...don't think a 1 year old could eat the other 2 items.  

    If you think the 1yr old could eat the other options, then definately the Chimichangas...If for no other reason except that it's fun to say Chimichangas.

  11. Bruschetta Chicken Bake would be my choice.

    You would probably have to mince the chicken as you don't want to be cutting up chicken as you are feeding the child. You could dig under the crust for the well cooked soft stuff.

    Meatballs would be to rough on the gums I think, and the red pepper will not go down well with the baby in the first recipe.  

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