
Which of these ARE WORSE AT??

by  |  earlier

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not losing your patience / temper

not eating things you shouldn't

(oh and guys, i mean food, lol)

getting as much sleep as you should

not making the same dumb mistakes over and over

(no comment, lol)




  1. Getting as much sleep as you should

    :)       haha lol      That's me!!!!!       :)

  2. not making the same dumb mistakes over and over agiain and losing my patience/temper

  3. eating things I shouldn't....♥

  4. Getting as much sleep as I should

  5. Okay TIGER - here we go - the breakdown:

    **spelling - well at one time I was a great speller but spell checker ruined that - and I was an English major - makes one go hmmmmmmmmm

    **not losing your patience / temper - well I don't have a temper (it takes a lot to fire me up - get your head out of gutter) - HOWEVER, Patience is not one of my virtues.  I am a doer - go getter - like a giddy school girl when I want something

    **not eating things you shouldn't - Easy, I am sort of a health nut, got to keep that girlish figure - so this is not an issue with me - it is not necessarily what you eat, but how much - calories baby calories - gotta count them

    **getting as much sleep as you should - If I could get a good nights rest I would be in heaven - I can think of one thing in particular that would cure this but it is out my reach at this minute. But I will get there

    ** not making the same dumb mistakes over and over - I try not to make the same mistakes twice except when my heart is involved - then I am a total pushover.

    You figure out the WINNER this time TIGER!

    Hugs and LOVE MY TIGER!


  6. i do not get enough sleep , and i eat things i should not. those i am the worst with.  

  7. temper. I can get angry over the stupidest things and then regret it. I need to learn some mouth control.

  8. Lmao at the eating...I'll say that.....

  9. Not losing my patience

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