
Which of these ARE YOU WORSE AT??

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saying sorry

saying i love you

saying no

learning from your mistakes

not getting viruses or spyware on your computer




  1. Saying sorry!

  2. saying no that is the hardest thing to do

  3. saying no

  4. I only say sorry if i mean it after all "the word sorry can ease an aching heart, or simply excuse an escaping f**t.

    I only say i love you to those i do love, and say it freely to them.

    Yes i can say no i don't do anything i don't wish to do.

    I never seem to learn from my mistakes just keep bundling along .

    What computers have viruses !!!!!

  5. I am the worst at saying no and learning from my mistakes.

  6. learning from your mistakes

  7. saying i love you.

    strange, but that is the more popular answer.

  8. saying i love you

  9. i guess saying sorry, cause i feel like i said it or did it for a reason so i don't want to say im sorry. (so if i do say it i don't mean it)

  10. I'd say I'm worst at saying no...

    I hate disappointing people and often give them the answer they want to hear =/

    I pretty bad at saying 'i love you' too

    The problem is I say it too much

  11. not getting viruses or spyware on comp.

    I happen to have the opp. of green fingers.

  12. saying no.

  13. Um I'm not really bad at any of those..I guess I Love you because I forget to say it enough, but I don't have a problem saying it.  

  14. Controlling my temper when people make a big discussion about how wrong something is that they have no control over and can never change and has nothing to do with them for that matter.  

  15. i think i'm worse at saying no...

  16. learning from my mistakes

  17. not getting viruses on my computer. My husband just had to do some stuff to my lap top last night


  18. saying sorry

  19. saying NO....♥

  20. saying no and not getting those stupid viruses!

  21. not getting viruses


  22. either saying i love you or not getting viruses/spyware on my pc =]

  23. Not getting viruses or spyware on my computer

  24. not getting viruses or spyware on my computer =D

  25. Goodness....

    It would have to be "saying sorry." Blech!

  26. saying i love you

    saying no

    not getting viruses or spyware on your computer

    I sooooo need some counseling huh? lol

  27. I'm the worst at saying no. I have 5 grandchildren with whom I'm trying to build memories. I hate telling them "no"!!!!!!!!

  28. Saying sorry.

    I'm very prideful when i wanna be.

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