
Which of these New York colleges is the best and y?

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Binghamton University, SUNY

Hunter College

Queens College

Skidmore College

Stony Brook University

SUNY College at Buffalo

SUNY College at Potsdam

SUNY Plattsburgh




  1. You really need to specify what you are planning to study to get an answer to this question.  Skidmore is by far the most prestigious though.

  2. is better um miami university

  3. You're comparing apples, oranges, grapes and bananas. They are very different institutions, in very different places, hundreds of miles apart. If you say a bit more about what kinds of things you are looking for in a college (location, particular programs, size, social life, etc.) someone could give you much better advice. One thing I can tell you now is that Skidmore is a private collage and the others are all run by New York State or New York City -- this means that there is a huge cost differential, although fees for out of state students may push up the cost of the others and a truly able but needy student might get a good scholarship at Skidmore. It is possible to get an excellent education at any of these schools.

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