
Which of these Sarah Palin Jokes are funny?

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Sarah Palin Rumors:

Rumor 1. Sarah Palin likes to eat raw polar bear meat. UNTRUE. She likes it medium rare.

Rumor 2. Sarah Palin uses live penguins for target practice. UNTRUE. The live ones wiggle too much.

Rumor 3. Sarah Palin doesn’t know much about defense. UNTRUE. She was once an excellent basketball player.

Rumor 4. Sarah Palin is under investigation for possible abuse of power. UNTRUE. She is under investigation for being CAUGHT possibly abusing power.

Rumor 5. Sarah Palin wants to drill for oil throughout the beautiful Alaskan wilderness. UNTRUE. She has no interest in doing that at all. She just wants oil companies to do it.

Rumor 6. Scholars say Sarah Palin is the least experienced, least qualified, least credentialed person to join a major-party ticket in the modern era. UNTRUE. According to a very recent Wikipedia entry, the “modern era” began in the year 1000 a.d. and records suggest there may have been as many as 3 other people with a comparable degree of inexperience who attempted to gain a national leadership position in their respective countries during that time.

Rumor 7. Sarah Palin strongly dislikes g**s. UNTRUE. Her hair stylist for her first major campaign (her town’s beauty pageant) was g*y, and she thought he did a fantastic job with her highlights, and used just the right amount of hairspray, and was a pretty likeable person considering his abominable lifestyle.

Rumor 8. Sarah Palin has less than two years of executive leadership experience, in one of the least populated states in the nation, and is completely unprepared to take on international issues. UNTRUE: Her several years of grueling leadership experience as both a PTA leader, and as a part time mayor of a small Alaskan town MORE than qualify her for trips to Russia to negotiate over the Georgian crisis, and trips to Jordon and Egypt to represent the U.S. in talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. These are basically the same issue as school bathroom graffiti, just on a slightly larger scale. In addition, Alaska is one of the most populated states in the U.S.*




  1. Wow my goodness dude! Why did you waste so much time giving all these crazy details but fail to mention how secretive she has been to the American people about her daughter's pregnancy, but only decide to say something when everyone started to ask questions. Apparently McCain thinks we are all stupid!

  2. well that attitude ought to get people to vote for Obama

  3. None are funny and I am not a supporter. They're just not funny. Your additional details are ridiculous and offensive.  

  4. Rumor 9. Sarah Palin is a girl that picked just to win the elections.

  5. Another desperate lib. If she's so bad, why are you all so worked up over her?  

  6. none are the way hitler was a socialist..the national socialist party (n**i) had almost the same political platform as obama fact he has mirrored his speeches and venues on those used by hitler..

    with much the same response...n***s thought they were doing what was right...learn history before you repeat it

  7. All of them are funny...

  8. Well, in answer to your question, none of those jokes were funny.

    But this is:

    What do you call a bunch of lesbians preparing for war against the straight world?

    Militia Etheridge.

  9. Shows me you are a in the closet woman hating g*y person who needs to go out hunting and catch a life.

  10. HA ha ha!  Man I needed that...but I was laughing at how LAME those were.

    Comparing a conservative to Hitler means you have no argument.  Try again with a legitimate argument-yours is bastardized kool aid.

  11. Im really beggining to not like you !!! Meanie !

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