
Which of these US cities would be the best for my g*y sons to live?

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My hubby and I have two g*y sons and we love them dearly. We currently live in a very small town in Mississippi and people give them a hard time here and it breaks our hearts to see them unhappy. However, my husband's job is being relocated. He has a choice of these following cities to relocate: Fargo, ND; Nashville, TN; Chattanooga, TN; and Huntsville, AL. Both our children are teenagers and we want the best for them. Which of these following cities would be the most accepting for them?

Thanks :)




  1. New York. New york has a lot of g*y a bisexual people. He would fit in more. * i should know*

  2. First of all , I want to say : Way to go! the world needs more loving moms like you.

    There is a small but vibrant g*y community in Huntsville;the Kaffeeklatsch downtown is very L*****n-g*y friendly

    Tennessee is among the least advanced states in terms of LGBT rights.

  3. Scratch Alabama. They still lynch g**s down there.

    Nashville is very much a Bible-belt town, but it's also a musical hotbed which tends to attract some liberal creative minds.

    Never been to Chattanooga, and "Fargo" just makes me think of woodchippers.

  4. My goodness, it doesn't seem as though you have much to work with in terms of locations. I have a feeling that as long as you're living in the south your sons will encounter these problems; however, find out which of the cities has the largest population, and the most diverse demographics.

    In this case that city is Nashville, TN, but before you commit to this, find out how diverse the population is in Nashville. I have a feeling that with the city's roots lying in music, it ought to be the most tolerant city on your list.

    If you had the opportunity, though, I'd ultimately recommend coming to California. I had several g*y friends in high school, and they were never given a hard time. They fit in and hung out with everyone, which is fantastic.

    I wish you and your family the best of luck.

  5. Please don't listen to some of the ignorant comments some people have posted.  I live in Huntsville AL, and no, we don't "lynch g**s" here.  Huntsville is actually a very diverse small city and because of the space program and Redstone Arsenal it attracts people from all walks of life.  I know plenty of g*y people and one of our neighbors is a g*y couple.  I think your sons would do just fine here.  I think they would be fine in Nashville as well.  I'm not completely sure about the other cities you mentioned and I'm not about to make sweeping generalizations about them based on some movie I saw or something I saw on TV because I want to give you an informed opinion.

  6. idk. nothins wrong w/ dat. i know its not a choice but Atlanta.(how old r they) if they're around kid age email me. They have a lot of g**s (no prob w/ dat) i just went up dare 4 Hurricane Gustav

  7. i honestly don't really know. at least all the cities are on the bigger side so there will be some other g*y people, but truthfully, living in the south isn't the best place for g*y people to live.

    but i must say, it's so great to hear how proud of your sons you are. it's adorable that you love them both so much regardless. i guess i just find it so nice because my parents were about the exact opposite.

    more parents need to be like you. :]

  8. I dont think any of those places would be good. I'd say go to california or new york, go to a big city not a small town

  9. None of those towns sounds completely g*y-friendly.

  10. if you want safety try seattle

  11. I honestly don't know, because I am from the west coast. I would try Fargo, ND. I don't want to offend anyone by saying that the people in Alabama and Tennessee may not be as open minded. I've known a few families from there and that is what they all had in common on that subject. If you were to come over to the west here, I'd tell you to move to San Diego. They have a great g*y community! Good luck to you, your husband and your two boys! :)

  12. Pardon me, ma'am . .

    Is that the Chattanooga choo-choo?

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