
Which of these Yugioh Decks are the least Expensive?

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.six samurai


.dark armed dragon deck


.destiny hero

.gladiator beast

.crystal beast


I hear they are good tourney winners. I use a glad beast deck, but is there any other deck more cheaper but still has great strategy. Or have i picked the right choice of having a Gladiator Beast deck?




  1. I have to say Crystal Beasts and Dark Armed Dragon decks are the least cause nobody use them anymore!!!

  2. six samurai and gladiator beast are the least cause most of all six samurai cards and gladiator beast cards are common, the only expensive with six samurai is grandmaster of the six samurai and great shogun shien and the only expensive in gladiator beast deck are gladiator beast heraklinosand some super rares.

  3. I have to go with burn, macro/cosmo and Zombie. My friend has a burn deck which costed him about $30 and is decent. Macro/Cosmo all you need is the structure deck Dark Emperor. Most expensive is probably DMoC. The above person said Crystal and Dark Armed Dragon deck is cheap, but dont trust him. i spent about $80 on my Crystal Beast deck and for Dark Armed Dragon deck 3 Dark armed Dragons are already $300.

  4. elemental heroes dead common and dead cheap

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