
Which of these activities do you think merit discrimination against those participating in them?

by  |  earlier

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All of the activities listed below meet the following criteria:

1) Not natural (you don't see non-human animals doing it)

2) Done by choice

3) Has no chance of leading to reproduction

Please select those activities which, from a christian perspective, should be criminalized and those participating in them have their civiil rights diminished.

You may cite the bible to support your claim.


Table Tennis

Oil Painting


Making c**p out of pipe cleaners

Watching TV


Wine making

BASE jumping



Holding a bake sale



Racing Remote Control Cars

Hot dog eating contests

The Macarena




  1. You're so obvious it isn't even amusing.

  2. I'm not a question but I definitely think the Macarena needs to be outlawed.  Punishable by death.

  3. I don't need to cite Bible passages and I don't think homosexuals should go to jail or have their civil rights taken away.

    I also don't believe they should be discriminated against any more than any one else.

    Having said all that, I don't think that they should have special rights just because they want them.

    I don't think they should be able to go into schools and teach children about their alternate lifestyle. In fact on this point I don't know why they would want to if they are " born that way". I don't think they should be allowed to parade around Disney World half nude while families are trying to enjoy the park.

    If this is your idea of intellectually stimulating debate, you'll need to do a lot better than this.

  4. lol at The Macarena

  5. BASE jumping.  It can be seriously dangerous for people on the ground.  

  6. yes you're right. but s*x is dangerous, hetero or homo. it can lead to aids, or herpes or other std's, but heterosexuality can lead to the worst disease of all - pregnancy!

  7. s*x is dangerous?

    Why didn't anyone tell me that! I srsly need to have a talk with my husband.....

  8. is there a point here????? I don't get it??????

  9. Archery, table tennis, Scrabble, Base jumping, Billiards, racing and Hot dog eating contests are all tests of skill meant to hone reactions and test which human is superior to another ... that's natural.

    Oil painting, reading and the Macarena are all tension and stress-relieving activities, required for the human soul.

    Crafts (the pipe cleaner thing), wine making and bake sales are all business-related ... designed to make money.  All natural for the human being.

    Sorry, I don't know what Jai-Alai is.

    Shopping is necessary to maintain food in the home for those who live in the city or suburbs.

    Photography is man's attempt to capture the past.  Even cave men did that.  So it's natural to desire it.

    Watching TV is all that's left, but it depends on what you watch I guess.  We could criminalize shows like Everybody Loves Raymond and Grey's Anatomy ... but Sesame Street and Fetch (a new show on PBS) are educational and provide needed information to our young'uns.

    Is there a point to this?  Are you trying to compare being homosexual to having a bake sale or playing billiards?  If I squint real hard and tilt my head to the left I might be able to see that.

  10. Only those listed that spread STDs.

  11. The only thing on that list They seem to be against is reading .

  12. ha HA!

    Oh, that's hillarious!  

  13. Go to a major city zoo and watch the monkey/ape show. I think you are going to have to shorten your list.

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