
Which of these are you good at...........?

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ice skating




  1. ice skating?u?

  2. I think I'm better at rollerskating.....:D

    Ice Skating?



  3. The only one I can do without looking like a total fool is ice skating.  I'm not a very good rollerblader for some reason and haven't roller skated since I was a kid going to birthday parties.  :)

  4. NOne, best at walking.

  5. ice skating (well, its the thing that i can do out of those 3, but i'm not all that good on it either)

  6. ice skating. I can survive on Roller skates and blades. :)

  7. Ice-Skating!

  8. ice skating. I'm lousy at rollerblading and haven't been rollerskating in years.

  9. It's funny.  You'd think as a figure skater of 16 years, rollerblading would be easy for me, but it's not.  Every time I put on a pair of rollerblades, I find myself on my back, staring at the sky, within minutes.  I keep forgetting there's no toepick on a rollerblade skate, and then forget which foot the brake is on.  D'oh!

    I think I'd be alright at rollerskating, but I haven't done it since I was in first grade.  The fact that there's a stopper on the front would probably help me, though.

  10. rollerskateing.......cinnamon332 is still teaching me at her house..... :)

  11. I am good at ice skating.

  12. rollerblading i can do a backflip and 540

  13. How about being towed behind a snowmobile (50-80mph)while on ice skates.

  14. im best at ice skating!!!!!!!!!  I ♥ it!

  15. all i know is that im not good at inline skating, and i get by in ice skating :)

    wot about you?

  16. rollarblading and ice skating

  17. ice skating ... =D

    i can also rollerblade but i'm better at ice skating

  18. all 3. im best at ice skating and roller blading.

  19. Rollerskating a long time ago!

  20. ice skating, by far

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