
Which of these bags is better for High School?

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I'm 14 and going into 9th grade........which would be better, or if you don't like any, what's another good one?




  1. 2 and 3

  2. They're all very pretty. I like the 1st and 2nd one better though. If I had to choose, I would go with the 1st one (but maybe that's because I'm older). If you're young and have a spunky sense of fashion then go with the second one.

  3. i really like number 2 and 3 there sooo gorgeous =]

  4. Personally i like the last one i think it is kinda laid back not to hype and not to dull, the second one is cute also but in time i think it will get old

  5. Definitely number 4.  But, that is just my opinion.  Whichever one you like best, you should get.  As I am in High School also, I know that you need to carry around a lot of books/binders etc.  and sometimes totes aren't very good for that.  What you should do is get a decent backpack, and then bring your binders/books etc to school each day in that, and pack a tote in there, to carry your books around from class to class.  Thats what I do, and it works out great.  Hope I helped!

  6. i like #3 and #4

  7. you have good taste. (:

    id vote for #3 or #4,

    but i think #4 looks better for school

    because it seems a lot bigger.

    good luck. (:

  8. 2 (the sad one) and #4 are pretty cute. I think #1 and #3 are a little smaller, so it's better to get a pretty big tote. Try to look at the material, so you can determine which one will last and will be very durable for the school year.

  9. 4th

  10. love 4

  11. love 4 =]]]

  12. i really like the 1st 1 but if ur tote will serve as a backpack 2 u make sure u get a bigger 1 just in case

  13. depends on  your  style

  14. the last one definatly!

    cute, pretty big, and would go with alot.


  15. I'd say number 4.

  16. i really like the last three ones. id go with the 4th or 2nd  

  17. personaly 2 is ahdorable but i think the last one would be more practical. idk if any of them would hold all you textbooks and they make cute bookbags but whatever your heart says

  18. i like number 2

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