
Which of these best describes your wedding?

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Most weddings probably won't fit into any of these categories exactly, but which of these categories is closest to the type of wedding you had or will have? I'm curious how many people have each of the different types of weddings I've seen

A-Casual (Reception at a park or somebody's house or no reception at all)

B-Semi-Casual (Reception at a more traditional location but wedding with a more relaxed atmosphere or fewer guests, some things done by yourself or by friends. Total wedding cost under $5000)

C-Semi-Formal ($5000-$20000 price range. Traditional wedding with more guests but still cost conscious)

D-Formal (Fancy dress, hotel or country club, full sit down meal with specialized caterers, large wedding party, etc., $20,000 or more)




  1. c

    We  had a formal wedding and reception for 400 people  but had to watch money.... my folks were paying.  Instead of served sitdown, we had a buffet.

    16 yrs ago and still going strong!

  2. Ours was a cross of C and D.

  3. None of them.

    I choose E

    Formal - Black Tie

    Sit Down Dinner

    On Yacht

    $10,000 ( all inclusive )  

  4. Mine was casual I had 20 people attend. My ceremony was at a park. This not the original location at first. One day my fiance took me to his hometown (3 hours from where we lived at the time) so I could see where he grew up. He had taken me to Smith Park where his family had several gatherings over the years and we stood in front of the gazebo. He took my hand and led me up the stairs and said wouldn't this be a romantic site to get married. We went to the Park's and Rec department and asked them what we need to do to reserve the site. We paid the $30.00 fee and we had it booked.

      The reception was a barbecue in our backyard. We played music we burned off the computer onto CDs and my dad took pics.

  5. Somewhere between B and C. It was a formal wedding with reception in a restaurant's ballroom for only 41 people. We made our own invitation and placecards, bought the flowers and cake.

  6. My wedding date is Novemeber 1st. And it will definitely fit into the C category.  More people, mostly traditional but twisted with our personalities, and very cost conscious.  We did go over the 5000 budget, but only because our guest list was such a hassle; neither of us could cut too many people so we had to settle on 200 people and stick to that.

  7. My answer is c, our wedding is costing us about $12,000.

  8. im in the early stages of planning a mix of A and B which should take place in december. ... at my own house lol... about 20-25 people in a smaller countryish church, than over for dinner and drinks at our house...  then to watch the hockey game of course LOL

    cheers everyone  

  9. I am so and lucky and grateful that I have D

  10. Mine was B we had a small private wedding in a beautiful 100 year old stone chapel with stain glass windows.

    Very elegant but not gaudy next we had a large reception at my church - we decorated it with hand painted "stained glass" decals around the gym with alot of greenery added in making in nice even in a cheaper setting. I did all the ground work myself - buying all foods separately finding the best item for the best price.

    I had a full year of prep time for the wedding so it cost me 4,000 including a reception for 300 with a full buffet lunch for every person there.

    I had enough food to feed at least 350 people because I came back from my honeymoon to find my family still eating left over food.

    I even had my dress made by a seamstress for under 500.00 but it was perfectly tailored and was lovely, I did not want to look like a s**t or a nun which were they only two options I found in the dress stores - now while dresses might look nice on one figure I was a size 4, 118 pds with DD's which make "nice" dresses look not so nice.

    You can do a lot with a small budget if you are willing to do a lot of the ground work yourself.

  11. D

  12. C

  13. i go with e/c. i was married in las vegas. 6000 total. then had a reception thrown for me at home 3 months later. 6000 again. 12000 for the whole deal. if i could do it over, i'd do vegas again or jamaica. no after reception.

  14. B we're in a recession! plus i feel it is more personal if i do it and i think it is fun getting to put together a wedding with family and friends. i put together my jr prom and it was my favorite prom ( i went to 4 ). its more self fulfilling to me.

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