
Which of these books should I get?

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My boyfriends Birthday is coming up (September 12th), and I plan on getting him Metallica's album loaded on a book so that he can learn to play it on the new electric guitar he bought.

Its his first guitar, so he isnt an expert, but he's clever, and I dont know whitch of the books would be better for a learning guitarist. Any help would be so much appreciated - Thanks




  1. for now, i think it would be best to just get him 'load'. you mentioned that he is a beginner and i think it would be best to let him start off small and then upgrade from there. :)

  2. i would get the metallica load or legendary licks but i don't know anything about metallica so i'm just saying what i would like if it were green day or something. :)it's nice that ur getting him such a cool present. i bet he'll love it!

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