
Which of these cancer curing alternative pills would you recommend for a tumor in the brain?

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  1. None of the alternative therapies for cancer which I have seen evidence of efficacy are on that list, so I would say "none."

  2. I would recommend oxidation therapy, whether its ozone or vitamin c iv, both with be very beneficial. In fact they could very well be cures, given the right applications and doses. Look up otto warburg, learn him and you are cured and so is anybody else with cancer. Dont bother to dont deserve to be cured.

  3. Obviously a brain tumor requires medical attention, but my friends father had a brain tumor and she gave him a Chinese herbal blend that contained a blood moving herb called red sage and several herbs that boosted the immune system and removed masses; everyone agreed that he survived longer than expected with a much better quality of life than most.

  4. Looks like a question for the:

    soul doctor

    on here-has the most "best" answers in

    this field. . .

  5. People who are pretending that such rubbish is a tumor healing remedies should be send to jail or burn in h**l if there is one. On the other hand a good body cleansing can bring some help and relieve.

  6. NONE.  You have no hope unless you get urgent medical help.

  7. None.  Focus on an high antioxidant diet.  There is a powder out there that is packed with hemp protein and acai.  Mind over matter.

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