
Which of these careers is best for me?

by  |  earlier

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Well I have narrowed it down to these 4. I am equally interested in all of these and I just want to know which of them has the best working conditions, most fun, and best pay.

Which do you think is the best career choice out of these?

1. Aerospace Engineer

2. Pilot

3. Meteorologist

4. Architect





  2. First... you know better than to ask complete strangers what's best for you!!! ;)

    But, you did ask for some specifics so, I'll give you that:

    Aerospace Engineer - Traditional business environment, the work is very complex and mentally challenging and, depending on the segment of the industry, can involve the requirement for a government level security clearance (beyond top secret).  That kind of work, known often as "black programs" are said to be very interesting and pretty consuming, although you won't be able to tell anyone what you do.

    Pilot - How do you feel about the air force?  Traditionally, most pilots are hired out of the military.  There are few colleges you could go to if you wanted to not go down the military route.  The one that comes to mind is a school in Indiana (I think) called Rose Holman (It also have aerospace).  Pilot's lives are hectic, and highly regulated.  "Fun" would be all about flying.  I could see that as fun.. but remember, most of the major airline planes virtually fly themselves so it could be a bit monotonous.  The pilot would have the most extreme and challenging work conditions when compared to the other enviroments.

    Meteorologist - Two sides of this coin:  You could be the geek or the broadcaster.  I suppose both could be fun.  One does the weather reports on TV and radio.  The other DEFINES the weather reports.  Storm chasers, earthquake centers and lots of research universities are where the geeks go.  

    Architect - Similar office environmet.  Most architects "churn out stuff".  Very few have the opportunity to truly create, so it depends on what you want there.

    BTW... check out:

    The department of labor has a job forecast and outlook set of resources that are free.  It will tell you average salaries, top salaries, job growth projections and it will even talk about the kind of work that's done.

    From your choices, I'm guessing you are slightly introverted, very detailed oriented, analytical, and love science.  If this isn't you... dump the four above and check out the link for a new career approach!

    Good luck to ya!

    Hope this helps.

  3. I think being a meteorologist would be an exciting choice.  Do you like to share what you know with others?  A meteorologist has the opportunity to share knowledge with a large television audience.  You would also have the opportunity to travel to locations all over the globe.  I think you should make a list of all of the pros and cons for each of the career choices you have listed.  Good luck following your career path!

  4. pilot

    you get to bang the stewardess?


  5. You have narrowed down your choices to 4 careers that require a whole lot of time and energy.  Do you want to get married and have kids?  If so I would choose to be a Civil Engineer, helicopter pilot, hair designer (for the creative side)...I don't know much about Meteorology.

    You must love science?

    All the best.

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