
Which of these do you like best?

by  |  earlier

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If you have any cute pictures of your dogs or pictures on that site, I'd like to see them too. :)

Legit- What flavor nylabone does your dog like best? Judge LOVES chocolate.




  1. No I don't have any photos really, well I do but I don't know how to post them!

    My dog's rarley get nylabone, they DO get Dingo though!

  2. I like "I iz in ur house watchin ur cable"

    I dont have any of those..  my dog would ask "Can I haz chikin?"  cause that's his favorite food!  I should get a pic of him in his chair "I luvs ma la-z-boi!"

    My dog likes any of the edible nylabones.  He doesnt bother with the non-edible ones.

  3. I'm in ur house, watchin ur cable is great!

    My Dobermann b*tch Tori loves to watch TV, especially if she's snuggled into her favourite squishy leather chair. Growling at the dogs is one of her favourite past times!

    Nylabone, they sometimes have the edible ones. As long as it's food they are not to picky about the flavour.

  4. Explorer dog

  5. Photo "Can I have more food"

  6. I in ur house, watching ur cable

    lol! howlarious!


    i don't have nylabones. do they have them at Petsmart or Petco?

  7. "courage i has it"

    "shhh i is slepping"

    ahahahahaha those are great!!! srry, i don't have a dog.....wish i did

  8. I like the cable one or the antlers one.

    I just made one with Eli.

  9. the antlers was so funny!  I like the food and the evil eye too.  

    My dogs turn their noses up at nylabones:(

  10. u scare da beagle. All of the pics are adorable!

  11. I liked watchin tv, courage has it & U scare de Beagle

    My dogs have never had the nylabone.

  12. omg! those are soooo adorable

    this is the cutest pic i have of my dog I just adopted her she is a corgie sheltie mix she is playing with her fav. toy squeaky pig. lol

    this is sheba my greay pyrenees

    and my rottie it is a slide show sheba is 8wks in the pic there is one of her and two of my rottie.

    edit: sorry i had to go back and look at those pics, i love them all but I really like I iz in your house I is watching your cable was he watching goodboy? my dogs love the chocolate as well that is really the only kind they have tried. they won't eat any others.

    EDIT: mine to...............uh..........i mean my dogs favorite lol.

  13. I'm in your antlers hatin your guts is my favorite picture of judge.

    All of my dogs like Gravy or Chicken.

    Here is a picture of billy "my what a big mouth you have":

    Here is a picture of cody "sleeping at great grandmas house with her cat, my oh my am i vicious":

  14. " I is sleeping", and the one with antlers. Adorable!

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