
Which of these looks more like John McCain?

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I can't decide...




  1. None of them.  You don't look like a 12 year old in your avatar photo.

  2. Hmm.. I think he looks more like this..

    "Elmer Fudd"

  3. omg def the third...hahahaha..  They need a bobble head mcbush doll

  4. Mein Kampf?

  5. if uncle fester and the squeeze toy had a child, there is your answer

  6. I guess it depends on who he's campaigning to.

  7. He looks like the best sign of the night at his speech.

    Raisin McCain

  8. Dr Evil! hands down

  9. Not Funny

  10. Gotta go with  #2, LOL.

  11. Maybe the first one a little. I don't know why McCain reminds me of a turtle.

  12. unfortunately, Uncle Fester does...I love that guy.

  13. the second one.

  14. The second one. ;)

  15. Did that one go over well at work at McDonald's?

  16. Wow, all of them look alike! I can't even tell which one is the real John McCain, lol!

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