
Which of these matter most to you when choosing who to vote for and why?

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i'm getting tired of hearing about petty remarks about pregnancy and who did what when they were younger.

what i want to know is which of this issues matters the most to you when you're deciding who to vote for? why is the issue you choose so important to YOU?

1. economy

2. health care

3. unemployment/jobs

4. public education

5. environment

6. the war

7. women's rights

8. g*y rights




  1. It's the economy.

    It drives everything else. If we have a weak economy nothing else matters.  

  2. all of those things are important to me ... .well, except for guns.  I'll be glad when the debates finally start.

  3. 6. the war on terror

  4. Personally, I would say the economy because it dictates everything else in this country.  The next president has a lot on his plate...and whomever will have to make wise decisions.  The improvement of the economy will take time, and will not be completely improved for probably 2+ years.  Whatever tax policy implemented has to not only grow the top of the economy, but help restore its foundation as well.  The nat'l debt will be increased, no matter who takes office...hopefully we can at least begin making significant improvements to wasteful gov't spending.  The fiscal policy of the next president will be very important...especially considering their impact on the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve.  

  5. I completely agree. The issues are what's been completely missing from the RNC so far. All they've done is spew hate and fear and attack their opponent. None have mentioned the issues. I'm disgusted with the RNC so far. It's just more partisan bull.

  6. Here's my ranking from most important to least and reasons why...

    1. economy

             Our ecomony is in such a poor state right now. What our country really needs are some immediate changes. Even the candidates admit that the economy is the hot issue most people will vote by.

    2. unemployment/jobs

             Lack of jobs is a huge problem, as is outsourcing. This issue effects a lot of the public directly, which is why it's high on my list.

    3. health care

             Costs of health care are so high, even for many of those employed (if I got healthcare through my job $400 would be taken out of my paycheck a month). i'm a supporter of universal healthcare.

    4. the war

             One of, if not the largest cause of anger in the country currently. Everyone has a strong opinion on how the war should be handled and it's important that our leader has an efficient plan.

    5. public education

             Again, this problem affects a lot of people directly, which is why it's high on my list.

    6. environment

             An ever rising problem. Determining cost and energy efficient solutions to problems is critical and there's so much that can be done in terms of research and development as well as execution.

    7. immigration

             Illegal immegration is a problem of concern, but not as large of a problem as the six previous issues.

    8. gun control

            Crime is an issue but basically I think criminals will do what they want regardless of changes in gun control. i do however feel that certain regulations can be made and am interested in the candidates opinions on effectiveness.

    9. abortion

            This is a very "hot" issue and a sensitive one. I don't see government making this a top priority and I don't think it needs to be one.

    10. g*y rights

              Everyone has a personal belief on what is fair and right and I think it's too touchy of a subject for government to take a huge stance on. This is on the bottom of my list because I honestly don't see much change happening here anytime soon with so many other pressing issues.

    11. women's rights

               Again, there are more pressing issues. and i think this is the smallest problem of the eleven.

  7. 1) Economy - need a better situation for the lower to mid-middle class. I am strugglin' every month and I make over $20 per hour and my DH and I live with my MOTHER!

    2) Health Care sucks now. I am a nurse, btw. We need less middle men in the insurance biz. Less malpractice suits for the practitioners. Better pay for staff, with less nurse to patient ratios (for the good of both the staff AND the patients.)

    3) Jobs -  Get rid of the illegals = more jobs for the US citizens who do not have a job. I can guaran-d**n-tee you that if I didn't have a job I would shovel **** with a spoon to take care of my family.

    4) Public Education sucks. We keep lowering our standards. Raise them back up. Work with the kids to get them up to par to the new, higher standards. Teach in English only. Don't offer education to illegal's kids (born here or not) because that takes away from time spent with OUR kids.

    5) The environment has been around for longer than we have. It heals itself, but we need to stop adding so much **** to the air and water. Decrease waste of resources! Plant trees! Allow elder euthanasia to help with population control. Don't allow abortion, btw! Build little metro/MARTA/subway things in each city, and connecting each city so I don't freakin have to buy gas, a car, or drive. Drill for oil HERE in America, use wind and solar power, create desalinization plants, encourage farming to come back as a popular trade in America!

    6) War is always happening. Pull our troops back to our borders here in America. Keep out the illegals from ALL nations. Keep our collective noses out of other countries' business. Keep our grubby paws out of other countries' wallets.

    7) No women in the work place, please! Let us raise the kids and make the house a home. Society will benefit, I swear! We can still vote, drive, drink, marry who we want, etc.

    8) No rights!

    9) Immigration should be limited to those who can benefit our society: rocket scientists, MDs, etc. No women, because they will just pop out babies and claim they have to stay here because they can't leave their "American" baby here alone. Borders need to close now! Nobody in, everybody illegal out! Go through rigorous paperwork and interviews, with fees, to get in to America for a TEMPORARY time span.

  8. The economy, health care and the war - issues that affect all of us regardless of gender, sexual orientation or race.  

  9. Economy, National Security, Immigration

  10. The economy. Which is why I can never vote Democrat. They're always wrong on the economy.

  11. The economy.

    GWB tanked us.

    We can't do anything on the home front with $12 billion a month being spent on Iraq - and they're making BIG money.

  12. The 4000 plus innocent children killed every day in the US by abortion.  Reason - God first.


  13. Economy, healthcare, and Jobs

  14. The economy and the war . With out a strong economy this country is doomed . Because the war and the crooks are draining the wealth from this country .  

  15. Your list is quite good.

    I'd put the war at the top of the list though,

    People getting killed is more important than whether I can buy the cheap or the expensive toaster at the WalMart.

  16. The economy that is linked to almost everything you listed

    I am sorry but for now the last two have to be put on the back burner

    I am not so concerned with g*y or women's rights when there are people who are dying in a pointless war, or unemployment being where it is...

    Edit: I most definitely agree with the immigration problem something needs to be done!

  17. 1 Economy, McCain

    # 2 Unemployment/jobs  Illegal Immigrants taking away Jobs.  McCain

    # 3 Women's rights/  McCain

    # 4 Public Education  McCain  

  18. Economy and Jobs

    I could not care less about g*y rights

  19. For me, and not in this order:

    1. Economy (specifically oil prices since this will get rid of our economic stutter). We are NOT in a recession or depression.

    2. Unemployment/jobs (less over seas, better quality and production here)

    3. Not changing the Constitution (specifically 2nd Ammendment)

    4. Less government spending (duh)

    5. Withdraw from UN (World government will never work)

    6. Illegal aliens (duh, costing us $338 billion each year)

    War will always be, I could care less about it, unless I disagree with the U.S. going to war in which I have yet to disagree.

  20. 1- Economy

    2- Jobs

    3- environment

    4- Health care

    5- Illegal immigration

    6- The war

    7- Equal rights

    These matters are important to me in that order....

  21. You forgot Gun Ownership and Abortion

  22. The first three I believe are the most important.  

  23. both war and economy because those are the biggest issues at hand right now. MCcain08

  24. 1. The economy/energy crisis.  I see them as connected issues.

    2.  The war.  I'm married to an active duty Marine who has served 26 months in Iraq.  With a neighbor who's Marine husband has been there 5 times and also to Afghanistan.  I find it incredibly interesting that everyone says they want us out to protect our military men and women, yet it is military families who are the staunchest supporters of it!

    3.  Immigration.  I spent four years living in the border town of Yuma, Arizona and 3 years in southern California.  People who have not lived it, don't realize how large the problem is.  

    4.  Not only does the candidate need to be able to address these concerns satisfactorily, but they also have to respect and hopefully represent my personal values.  (pro-life, Christian)

  25. The economy, the war and strong foreign policy.

  26. I place your issues in the following order of importance:

    1. Health care

    2. Economic Policy

    3. Foreign Policy

    4. Energy Policy

    5. Unemployment/Jobs

    6. Environmental Policy

  27. I don't vote on issues. I vote on principle. Issues come and go in and out of the spotlight throughout the 4 years. I always vote republican and always will.  

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