
Which of these movies did you like the best and why? Which one did you like the least?

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The Departed

Letters from Iwo Jima

Little Miss Sunshine

The Queen




  1. Well, I have a hard time recommending The Departed simply because I saw the original and, in my opinion, the remake wasn't even comparable to how good the original was. If you don't like subtitles I guess watching the Departed would be go for you, but in my opinion your selling yourself short of a movie, so I would recommend the original, Infernal Affairs.

    I also really enjoyed Little Miss Sunshine. If you're looking for a fun, quirky movie involving plenty of comedy and drama as well, then this is definitely a movie to see. It doesn't take itself too seriously which gives it a very appealing quality.

    Sorry I can't really expand on the other movies as I haven't seen them, but I did catch bits and pieces from The Queen and from what I saw made me want to sit down for more. Hope that helps.

  2. Best - The Departed

    Worst- The Queen

  3. Little Miss Sunshine is the one I liked the best.  The acting was excellent and I loved the actors themselves.  It was funny and intelligent and heartfelt.

    I probably enjoyed Babel more than The Departed.  The Departed wasn't bad, but I don't feel the need to ever watch it again.  Babel was very well directed and keenly edited.

    I have yet to see Letters From Iwo Jima, but I'd really like to.  Same goes, perhaps to a lesser extent, for The Queen.

  4. I loved  The Queen, Letters from Iwo Jima and I  really liked Little Miss Sunshine.  I didn't see the other two but now that you have put them in the came league as the ones I like I am going to rent them  

  5. I'll just rank them from best to worst.

    1. Letters from Iwo Jima

    Eastwood's best work. Powerful.

    2. The Departed

    Possibly Scorsese's most entertaining picture, but it's kind of vacuous compared to his best work. Also the Hong Kong films it was based on are arguably better (the one thing "The Departed" does better is the dialogue, which is wholly original).

    3. The Queen

    Intelligent and tasteful, but a little dry. Plus some of the metaphors are kind of heavy-handed. ("Oh you beautiful beast! Run before the hunter gets you!")

    4. Little Miss Sunshine

    Dark yet enjoyably frothy, it disintegrates into a TV sitcom in the last 15-20 minutes.

    5. Babel

    Pretentious mess.

  6. Babel did not see it.

    The Departed good movie, expected Amazing was disappointed but a good movie

    Letters from Iwo Jima not good, enjoyed the special features more than the movie

    Little Miss Sunshine great movie

    The Queen I love Helen but this movie was poor

    see it

    The Departed

    Little Miss Sunshine

    skip it

    The Queen

    Letters from Iwo Jima

    Babel - unknown

  7. didnt see any of them

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